

NANO-OPTICS 11 to 15 April 2016

NANO-OPTICS  11 to 15 April 2016

From Principles to Basic Research and Applications

14th IUVSTA School, at INL, Braga, Portugal


Dear Scientific Community, dear Colleagues and Friends,



The NANO OPTICS School: From principles to basic research and applications, has been organized to provide the rare opportunity to learn from and interact with some of the top experts in the field, both from academia and from companies. Please refer to the detailed information regarding the confirmed invited speakers and lecture topics at the link:



Ph.D. and master students are encouraged to attend the School and present their research work. Strong interaction between lecturers and students will be promoted during the entire school. To complement the main lectures, specific demonstrations within the spirit of a workshop is being prepared. The posters will be shown during the entire school providing discussions whenever is possible, in addition with two poster sessions in two days, with previous Shotgun poster presentation. Moreover, promoting an active participation of the students and self-motivation “Closing the gap” sessions as well as “Brain Storming-Group Exercice” and “Students Reporting” Sessions are included in the Program: http://nanoopticsschool.org/program.html


Researchers and professors from Universities and Institutes as well as product developers and members of the board from companies are welcome to present a “Contributed Lecture” or poster within the topics/sub-topics of the School or as a participant.


Abstract submission (deadline 21st Feb) within the topics and sub-topics of the school can be made at the following site:



A guided visit to the INL laboratory http://inl.int/  is included in the Program http://nanoopticsschool.org/program.html.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,

It will be a pleasure and our privilege to welcome you to the Nano-Optics School.

Kind regards, 

Ana G. Silva

(Chair of the School)