

Best result ever at the European Olympiads of Experimental Science (EOES 2024)


The Olimpíadas Europeias de Ciência Experimental (EOES) are annual science Olympiads for young people in the European Union with an emphasis on skills in the disciplines of biology, physics and chemistry. These Olympics focus on experimental skills, such as correct information processing, equipment manipulation, experimental execution and data acquisition, although theoretical knowledge is also very relevant. Portugal has participated in this competition since 2009, with a delegation of two teams of 3 students each. The teams that represent Portugal are selected among the students of the 3 best classified teams in the National Junior Chemistry Olympiads and Physics Olympiads Level A and the 9 best classified students in the National Biology Olympiad who meet the age requirements required in this competition.

The organization of Portuguese participation in EOES is jointly ensured by the Directorate-General for Education and the Portuguese Society of Physics, the Portuguese Society of Chemistry and the Order of Biologists, who appoint mentors for each of the areas. The mentors involved facilitate the students' preparation sessions and accompany them in the European competition.

The Portuguese delegation was present in Luxembourg from the 7th to the 14th of April 2024, having had an excellent performance, achieving 4th and 9th place which correspond to 1 gold medal and silver medal.